Friday, November 21, 2014

Exciting News for Prince William County!!

In the previous blog, we discussed the issue of the restrictions in opening a brewery in the county. However, this past Tuesday, we received a call from supervisor Mike May's office with the news that there was an interesting article in the Potomac Local news. The office was happy to report that Prince William County had just finished updating their code to allow breweries in the zoning districts that were originally only open to brew pubs. Recall the coffee shop brewery model? Now it is legal in our County to open a small brewery in a zone like a shopping center! BadWolf played an integral part in helping the county in this endeavor and they wanted to thank us. We were ecstatic!! Holy mackerel, this was all great news!! It's too bad we missed the opportunity in Tacket's Mill however, the spot is now up for grabs to help another entrepreneur's dream come true.

With that said, it great to know that a small business in a little 1,200 square foot space can make a big impact in the community. If anyone is interested in starting a small brewery in the county, please feel free to reach out to us for any questions. We would be happy to help. 571-208-1064 ask for Sarah or Jeremy. Cheers! :-)

Here is the article: