Friday, February 13, 2015

BadWolf's Second Location "Big BadWolf"

The second location is in progress! We are now past the halfway point in the project. It took a few months to get the drawings finalized with the A/Es, with approval from the City on Jan 29. With over 6,000 square feet we are able to do all sorts of exciting things.

We have a 10bbl system from Brewmation and 6 fermenters going in on the bottom right of the drawings. Most of the brewing equipment was delivered today! 

At Big BadWolf, we will do our best to keep the atmosphere of the old location in the large space. We have some awesome ideas and will save those for opening day. We are very excited to be able to lager now with Glycol Chillers which Jeremy is focusing on brewing a proper pilsner - something he has always dreamed of doing. Now with the proper professional equipment, this dream will come true. He plans to make several German style beers and improve the beer quality on several current recipes. We will have ten taps available with one dedicated to a "beer for the cause" to raise money for local charities. We do plan to have kegs for sale for your party and we plan to do some hand bottled beers and eventually incorporate a canning line.

With a larger economy of scale, BadWolf will be able to source local ingredients, especially hops from the area. (We are unable to do this with little BadWolf because it arrives in too large a batch and with fresh hops, it can go bad rather quickly.)

Big BadWolf will have a dedicated yeast lab to isolate and develop our own strains. We plan to go out and collect many wild yeast samples. The yeast lab will be visible from the customer area through windows. It will include microscopes, petry dishes, a centrifuge, refrigerators and all the cool lab stuff one might imagine.

Our new website is in the process of launching too so we will be able to keep you up to date with the latest and greatest stuff. 

9776 Center Street location aka  "Little BadWolf" will remain open since it is the heart and sole of everything we do. With over 250 recipes and counting, the experimental focus will continue and those beers will not be found anywhere else. 

Here's to 2015! We should be open in June or earlier.