Friday, September 4, 2015

Big BadWolf Opens Aug 14, 2015

Inquiring mind: "What?! You opened?!"
BadWolf: "We did and the great news is we didn't run out of beer this time!"

On opening day, there was an overwhelming turnout. Lots of smiling faces and great memories were made. Smokes BBQ was outback, the BadWolf racing bike was on display, the musicians sounded fantastic, our team was busy running the bar and the beer eagerly sought a good tasting. All went well and we proudly broke in our new space!

Now our team is busy making beer in both locations and the kegs are stacking up, ready for rental from customers and for distribution to the local restaurants. Below is a picture of the microscope for the new yeast lab - many thanks to our friend. Our yeast lab manager Ryan will work to isolate & develop new strains of yeast. Come visit the new taproom which are the same hours as little BadWolf or book us for your next private event! Little BadWolf boasts of new recipes and amazing popcorn. Give them a visit too!! Check out our event calendar!

Meet the Team!

Left to Right: Jeremy, Mark, Sarah, Claire, Bryan, Jesse, Ryan & Isaac front.
Newest Team Members: Adrian & Justin (pic to be posted)

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

8420 Kao Circle Update!

Hello everyone! We are super excited about our progress on the second location. The average turnaround time for the approval of the Brewer's Notice used to be 100 days. We were informed it would take an extra 20 days due to the volume of other applications. So the 20 days had passed and the question became whether we should let them do their job or check in on the status. It was decided to give them a quick call. The TTB brushed off the dust on the application and began reviewing it. After some back and forth Jeremy realized we sent over the wrong bond from the other location. Once that was cleared up, TTB had everything they needed to process the application. On May 1, we received official approval!! Now we are halfway though the VA ABC application process. (For a second location you must obtain the Brewer's Notice & a new ABC license). Once our ABC license is approved, we will begin to brew.

Since the last blog post, we have also made massive construction progress! Acting as our own GC (General Contractor) has made the journey a bit intimidating BUT our team has has done great work so far and we've passed inspections. We have to thank these folks and everyone else in the process so far:

  • Loveless Porter Architects 
  • BEI - Structural Engineering firm
  • MEP - Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing Engineers
  • PRP, LLC (Plumb Right Plumbing) 
  • Systems Inc (Electrical)
  • RJ Mechanical 
  • Alliance Steel
  • Drywall Specialties Inc
  • EM Tech Engineers (Inspecting Reinforced Steel)
We also want to thank:
  • Volunteers who put together our new tables
  • My husband and the staff for their blood and sweat: Jeremy, Jesse, Ryan, Claire & Bryan
  • Turtle for his beautiful mural
  • Isaac - our son who loves to visit both breweries with excitement, patience and a smile
  • All of the suppliers for our new equipment & cool merch
  • FVC Bank
  • City of Manassas
  • VA ABC & TTB 
  • Family, friends, & freaking amazing customers! 

Additionally, we are preparing to bring on more members to our team, decorate the new space and fill it with the most important product of all: BEER! Since my husband and some of the other amazing brewers are great with the technical aspects of brewing, I have encouraged them to write about the brewing process, recipes, and stuff that you might enjoy in the future! Who cares about all this business stuff, right? (I love writing about it)

When we open the second location, you can look forward to bottled beer available for pickup and eventually pickup your keg for a party. Dare I say this? The projected opening date is on or near June 19, our two year anniversary for BadWolf. If you want to receive an email for opening, please visit our home page and drop us your email address.

Lastly, I would like to say that your belief in us has brought us to the step we originally dreamed about. Our potential to positively impact the community and continue to build a better community will be enhanced with "Big BadWolf".  In the second location, we will be able to continue to raise money for charities, offer yoga classes, art classes, comedy nights, live music, book readings, group meetings and a roomy enough place where you can actually find a seat! Some might refer to BadWolf as a second family and we can't wait to continue the journey with you and the future people we meet. Great things can come from good beer, right?!

Enjoy the pics below -

Friday, February 13, 2015

BadWolf's Second Location "Big BadWolf"

The second location is in progress! We are now past the halfway point in the project. It took a few months to get the drawings finalized with the A/Es, with approval from the City on Jan 29. With over 6,000 square feet we are able to do all sorts of exciting things.

We have a 10bbl system from Brewmation and 6 fermenters going in on the bottom right of the drawings. Most of the brewing equipment was delivered today! 

At Big BadWolf, we will do our best to keep the atmosphere of the old location in the large space. We have some awesome ideas and will save those for opening day. We are very excited to be able to lager now with Glycol Chillers which Jeremy is focusing on brewing a proper pilsner - something he has always dreamed of doing. Now with the proper professional equipment, this dream will come true. He plans to make several German style beers and improve the beer quality on several current recipes. We will have ten taps available with one dedicated to a "beer for the cause" to raise money for local charities. We do plan to have kegs for sale for your party and we plan to do some hand bottled beers and eventually incorporate a canning line.

With a larger economy of scale, BadWolf will be able to source local ingredients, especially hops from the area. (We are unable to do this with little BadWolf because it arrives in too large a batch and with fresh hops, it can go bad rather quickly.)

Big BadWolf will have a dedicated yeast lab to isolate and develop our own strains. We plan to go out and collect many wild yeast samples. The yeast lab will be visible from the customer area through windows. It will include microscopes, petry dishes, a centrifuge, refrigerators and all the cool lab stuff one might imagine.

Our new website is in the process of launching too so we will be able to keep you up to date with the latest and greatest stuff. 

9776 Center Street location aka  "Little BadWolf" will remain open since it is the heart and sole of everything we do. With over 250 recipes and counting, the experimental focus will continue and those beers will not be found anywhere else. 

Here's to 2015! We should be open in June or earlier.